The markets…and everything else. Feb 2012

The markets of SE Asia are a fairly good example of old school commerce. These places are jammed with everything ancient to newer more modern bits and pieces. It seems that there is very little that you cant find within the confining fabric and craft walls of these collectives. Im pretty sure there is someContinue reading “The markets…and everything else. Feb 2012”

Scooter power- SE Bangkok, Feb 2011

Spent quite a lot of time wandering the streets and neighborhoods of Bangkok, just trying to see what the culture is like and what everyday life looks like. Managed to spend the good part of a day wandering in the south east area- where i mostly got lost- but made up for it when iContinue reading “Scooter power- SE Bangkok, Feb 2011”

Life in the hills.

Hasselblad 500cm 80mmCF, Velvia 100F.In the hills, on a motorbike, somewhere in Northern Thailand. There is something very alluring about the simplistic lifestyle found in these hills. Indeed the grass is always in fact greener on the other side. Here I found the people quite happy to fill their day with the general day toContinue reading “Life in the hills.”

Motorbikes and the art of tourist dodging.

Hasselblad 500cm 80CF, Acros. Circ Pol + 2ND Grad. Historical Chinese Military Museum, Mae Salong, Thailand. One of the more unique things about independent travel A.K.A. travel by motorbike is that your able to get to places that others can not when others can not. This museum in the foothills north west of Chiang RaiContinue reading “Motorbikes and the art of tourist dodging.”

Can I get an “Om”.

Hasselblad 500cm 80mmCF, Velvia 100 Wat Santikhiri, Mae Salong, Thailand. Early start. Got up before the sun on this day to get out amongst the rice fields and scenery to see what I could do with a sunrise. Turns out that even in the tropics at 8am its really cold driving a motorcycle down theContinue reading “Can I get an “Om”.”

Come on in sir.

Hasselblad 500cm 80mmCF, Acros Wat Khu Ha Suwah, Muang Sukhothai, Sukhothai, Thailand. March 2011. He waved me in even though I felt like I didnt belong there. Id stopped to look through the gates of a temple on my way into town on a rickety old bike the guest house had lent me. “Come, come”Continue reading “Come on in sir.”

Buy it here, buy it now.

Hasselblad 500cm 80mmCF, Kodak Portra 160VC. Somewhere in SE Asia. Home of a million markets. The markets of asia are fantastic. Basically there are no supermarkets anywhere, instead you go early morning or late afternoon and quite commonly at night to vast and sprawling open air markets where you can buy A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G at all. IfContinue reading “Buy it here, buy it now.”