Armchair Traverse

Weather window opened up, season is slowly closing down, had the time and motivation to get after it. Well worth a look. Take note on route though as a few folks are getting lost up there.A dusting of fresh snow kept it a little bit spicey with climbing made a little harder over snow coveredContinue reading “Armchair Traverse”

Sunshine Coast and Spipiyus Prov Park on the moto, Aug 2021

Weekend away out on the Sunshine Coast taking in a traverse of the Spipiyus Provincial Park. Great zone with some really neat lakes to connect to. One lake even had a canoe stashed there ready to use to explore the islands on the lake. Fantastic work by the folks who built the shelter there andContinue reading “Sunshine Coast and Spipiyus Prov Park on the moto, Aug 2021”